New British Star Wars Series Means Want - Taylor Holmes inc.

New British Star Wars Series Means Want

New British Star Wars Series Means Want

This post is just me lusting. That’s about all I got. I’m going to say other words than just LUST LUST LUST. But you might as well just replace them all with “Lust Lust Luscious Lust…” because that’s all they really mean.

Basically, (lust) The Royal Mail – The UK National Postal Service – is going to be releasing 18 collectable Star Wars stamps for all you British Star Wars fanboys (fangirls – or what have you.) We are seeing that there are some amazing painting involved here. The Millennium Falcon is there in all its magnificent beat up glory. There are also including both some of the classic favorite characters as well as a few of new characters as well. There is Kylo Ren in gorgeous high def detail. And Rey and Finn. If you are unaware of who these characters are… just go. Why’d you even click the link?

According to the to the Royal Mail website, they’ll be available to pre-order online from the Royal Mail website and will release on October 20th, 2015. So if any of my British readers are dying to make me giggle like a school girl, feel free to address an envelope to me and apply a pile of Star Wars stickers on it. I won’t mind at all. (Lust)






