Site Explosion Cutover PSA

Site Explosion Cutover PSA

Over the past week everything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong. (Ok, so there is a little hyperbole going on here. But this is my site dammmit, and I’ll hyperbolize where I want!) The migration took literally 2 weeks to cut over, and I’m still unclear as to why. And then when I turned over the engine I realized the past couple weeks of comments got shredded by a tree shredder.

So I’m currently going through the site’s database with tweasers and trying to do some import export shuffling on the hundred or two comments you guys have hit me with. But it looks like after trying to clean up the mess we will lose around a week’s worth of comments. Sorry. Love you all dearly, think your comment during that time period was the BEST COMMENT EVER, but let’s just call it gone, and let bygones be bygones.

So, the good news? The site is actually responding for once. And it doesn’t seem to be bottoming out over every single bump. Hopefully I’ve got a lot of ceiling to go here at this new hosting facility before that happens again. CROSSING FINGERS. I still think some of you need to go on a diet. No offense. But dang, when you trampoline the site, you are trampolining it hard! This hosting stuff is expensive! Cut it out! hahaha.

Alright. PSA OUT.  Taylor.