Black Box or Boîte Noire French Movie Recommendation - a really well done thriller uninfluenced by Hollywood.
Netflix's The Lost Daughter Explanation is Found - because people are focusing on the end way too much, and lose the forest for the trees.
Italian Studies Movie Isn't What You Think It's About - And we might even need to let Adam Leon know what it's actually about. Cough. heheh.
Help Me Understand the Ending of Netflix's The Colony - because this movie is worth figuring out, trust me.
The Innocents Movie 2022 New King of the Hill. Happy New Year everyone. And with the new year, comes a...
C'mon C'mon You Gotta Watch C'mon C'mon - a gloriously shot film about the realness of life that cannot missed.
Looping Movie Lucky Discussed and Unraveled - a movie with a moral so insidious if you really see it you will be unalterably changed.
The Card Counter Movie's Weird Ending Explained - because, I don't know about you, but that absolutely did not make sense to me at first.
Rent-a-Pal Mindjob What Did I Just Watch? Rent-a-pal with Wil Wheaton explained because it really needs some dissecting.
Silent Night Extraordinary Movie Ending Explained, because the ending could be interpreted 42 million different ways!
Why Licorice Pizza Is More Than The Sum Of Its Parts - because my love for this move really can't possibly be quantified.
A Controversial Filled Philosophical Exercise that is The Trouble With Being Born - because this movie is begging to be grappled with.
Boiling Point One Shot Movie Recommendation - a movie, shot in one take, that might be about a restaurateur... or maybe something else?
Nine Days Recommendation and Explanation - a movie about life, loss and meaning in a really complicated world that none of us will get right.
The Feast Movie Recommendation and Explanation because this movie defies simple minded explanations. But maybe we can figure it out together.