Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes Mindjob Recommendation - a movie so confusing, and yet so infectiously light hearted, you will love it.
A Mind Bending Investigation into Ari Aster's Beau is Afraid - a movie so brimming with fear and tension as to render the audience stricken.
Black Mirror Season 6 Loch Henry Deep Dive - an explanation for what exactly you just watched.
The Layers of Black Mirror's Joan is Awful Explained - a deep dive explanation of the infinite number of layers permeating Joan is Awful
Top 100 Movies Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Top 100 Movies Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Hypnotic Movie Unpacked and Discussed - a movie so filled with potential, it literally brought tears to my eyes to watch this car crash
Theories to Explain the Amazing Movie Discontinued - a movie so confusing, such a weird idea of string theory we need grapple with it
Top 100 Movies Thelma & Louise - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
A Dozen Movies Twist So Sudden You'll Need a Chiropractor - these movies will shock you with their hardcore surprises. I promise.
Linoleum Move Walkthrough and Explanation - a movie so confusing as to require a deep dive walk through in two different ways to understand it.
Rabbit Hole is 24 on Steroids Recommendation - a show that ducks and weaves so much you might need a chiropractor when it's all done.
Several Theories to Explain the 2023 Film Inside - because this movie cannot be understood just on the face of it. There is more going on.
Why Nr.10 Just Broke Your Brain and What It's All About - a movie so crazy that I'm still spinning at the end of it.
Netflix's Kaleidoscope Order Recommendation - Netflix sends Kaleidoscope's episodes out randomly. But there might be a perfect order to watch!