SCHÖNSTAUB Interstellar Rugs


SCHÖNSTAUB Interstellar Rugs
I am so good to my readers. You never ever have to guess what to buy me at Christmas, or my birthday (June 4th, just so we are clear) or even Columbus Day (Which is monday, I’ll have you know.) That is where SCHÖNSTAUB comes in. SCHÖNSTAUB is a young design team that works in collaboration with a Swiss manufacturing company that has been in business since 1892. Together they come up with products of unique design and quality.

The Design team of SCHÖNSTAUB founders’ consist of designers Nadja Stäubli and David Schönen who met each other in 2010 at the University of Arts. It was a joint project that endeavored to create a stellar quality design that correlated with a truly quality manufacturing and overall quality. They have been designing together ever since.

Never mind that they are 1,620 Euros a piece.  Pay that no mind what so ever.  Just go with your gut and say to your self.  Taylor Holmes… you really need to know how wonderful you are on this Columbus Day.  A SCHÖNSTAUB rug for you… Enjoy!  Learn more here.



