— you have to click it to in-biggify it.
Dark Season 1 Family Tree Infographic Help. First, an announcement. Netflix has released Dark Season 2. Yes, trumpets and heralds should be playing in your heads. Yes, you should be chucking your laptop in joy, and immediately after, you should be realizing that your main method of watching Dark Season 2 just went hurtling through the air. I am über stoked, and can’t wait to watch from beginning to end.
BUT. I literally just started watching Season 2, episode 1, 15 minutes ago, and I was already lost. Like irretrievably lost. Almost two years ago now season 1 came out. And it is, without a doubt, one of the most confusing television shows of all time. And worse? Well, season 2 is worse, to be honest. A lot worse. The show starts nine hours after Mikkel’s disappearance, which is ensconced in the middle of season 2. We are already ducking and weaving in and among season 1.
Funny thing is, 15 minutes in, I had the thought, I wish I had like some infographic that would explain the relationships of the characters of season 1 as I go. If only I had something like that, I’d understand who was talking to whom, and I’d understand what was going on!!! And then I realized…You idiot. You created one of those. And it is full tilt. It’s really really good. Just open it on your laptop and flip back and forth as the show goes. And so I did, and I was immediately clear on what was happening and who was talking. But then I realized – I let you guys have a smaller version of the infographic here – and asked for a small donation. And so I’ll ask again for a small donation to help fund this site, and the hundred plus hours that it took to create this infographic of the Netflix Dark Family Tree.
Now, with the coin collecting out of the way, I’ve decided to give away (minus the donation you gave of course) the full sized version of the infographic. The thing is 10,000 pixels wide, 5.5 meg wonder, and has the interrelationships between all the key characters. The romantic liaisons, the murders, the shadow allies, the light allies, everything. I promise it will help. And eventually, I’ll do a write up just like I did for Dark Season 1. But, dang it, I have to watch it first!! Alright, here you go, click the image below to download the full infographic in all its glory. And thanks for your support everyone.

And if clicking the image above doesn’t work, you can find the large version right here as well. Alright, I stole away from the show just to help you out. Now I’m heading back in. Here’s hoping I find my way back to 2019 before season 2 is over!
Edited by: CY