THiNC. Movie Spotlight #15

THiNC. Movie Spotlight #15. What? 15 Weeks of this, already? Where is the time going? Spotlight is the segment wherein I bring you films from all over. OK, so Chris brings them to you. And Lisa. And Erika. And ARM. And Nancy. And Billy Bob. Wait, who? I don’t know. I just got carried away with that last one. Anyway, we bring these movies to you to check out. Alright? If you’ve got a good one, post it on the movie suggestion widget (red tab at the bottom of your screen) so we can watch it too and post it here.

This slot right here? Is empty… see?

Yup. Empty. “Why is it empty, Taylor?” Well. Because the first title in this particular Spotlight, I absconded with it. Poof. Gone. If you really must know, this Spotlight recommendation (you know, the one that is missing) was so good, I decided to do a full review and walk through of it. ALRIGHT! I’ll tell you the title, stop harping. Black Hollow Cage. And anyway, I’ll be publishing a review of it in the next couple days. Promise. It’s already almost done. But for now? The space is empty. See? Good. On to number two, dangit. Move along.

Girl – 2020 – Brought to you from Lisa. Revenge thriller. A young woman (Bella Thorne) returns to her hometown to exact vengeance on her abusive father. She discovers that he had been mysteriously murdered the previous day – and that the sheriff suspects she was involved. Dark familial secrets come to light as she hunts for answers. Watch it on Prime, or Hulu.

Fishbowl – 2018 – Another winner from Lisa. Within the isolated village of Bishop, live a father and his three daughters. The daughters are navigated a complicated world while their father becomes increasingly delusionally paranoid about… well, everything. He becomes sold on the idea that Armageddon is on its way, and that it is his job to prepare for this world-wide reckoning. You can watch it on Prime.

Another Round – 2020 – I happened to find this one. Sorry about that. It’s a story about a group of teachers in Copenhagen who decide to test out a super obscure philosopher’s theory that living life with a constant blood alcohol level of 0.5 will give them a better life. More freedom. More happiness. Etc. etc. Yes, you can see where this is going. At first they each find a new-found zest, but when they decide to up the ante, and achieve a daily BAC of 1.0, the experiment quickly begins to nose over for all of them. Well, do they reckon with their choices or continue dimly on the same course? Watch it on Hulu.

Elephant Song – 2014 – From Erika. Mystery thriller. Taking place over the course of an afternoon during the Christmas holidays during the 1960s, we start in the office of Dr. Lawrence, a psychiatrist at a juvenile mental institution, who has gone missing under mysterious circumstances. However, the key to his whereabouts might lie with Michael, a troublesome patient at the hospital with his own agenda, who uses this opportunity to try and bargain for his freedom in exchange for information.

The Wildling – 2018 – Anna spends her entire childhood under the care of a mysterious man she only knows as Daddy. He keeps her locked in an attic making her fear the Wildling, a child-eating monster that roams the outside. At age 16, Anna is freed by small-town sheriff Ellen Cooper who helps her start a new life as a normal teenager. But as Anna’s body begins to blossom, her childhood nightmares return with a vengeance, leading to the conclusion of a terrifying secret. Watch the Wildling on Netflix.


Look, again… we don’t certify these movies like I do with my in depth walk-throughs. They don’t come with a money back guarantee. But you are grownups here. Right? Check them out – if you watch any of them, let us know here, and tell everyone reading what you thought of them. We’ll be better off for your guidance. And if you’d like to read more of our THiNC. Spotlight recommendations, you can do that right here.

Edited by: CY