I’ve Been On Vacation…

Look. I get it, you want your Brilliant Indie Movie Chum. I understand just how badly some of you need a fix. Yes, I know that Covid screwed up the flow of your normal supply. Yes, I’m aware that finding intelligent films that are worth a watch right now is vital to your survival. That’s great. I normally agree. But I’ve been literally without cell, wi-fi, the works, the last week or more. I literally checked my family into a hotel so remote in the boonies the other day, the owner said, “Look, it’s literally dial-up, I don’t know what to tell you.” And that was that on the question of Wi-Fi. But we made it to civilization, and I thought I’d update you all as to why I’ve been ignoring your emails, and avoiding you on the Discord, as well as forgetting to post out here on the site. It is what it is. But while I’m here, as a token of my appreciation… some photos of my time as I’ve been lost in the wilderness…

Trust me when I say, when we stumbled upon that Grizzly… he was pissed. PISSED. He did this… how should I say?? Hissing sort of growl? I still wasn’t afraid… but then I saw it RUN out in front of our trail? This semi-truck could haul some serious speed. And then I was very afraid. Because, I realized in my soul… not numbers in my head, that this land shark could devour me, at will. Nothing I could do about it.

I’m sure I’ll post something quasi-lucid in another week. But until then, you are stuck with vacation me. Alright? Great, thanks.

Edited by: CY