
Denis Villeneuve Enemy Podcast Deep Dive Video

Denis Villeneuve Enemy Podcast Deep Dive Video. So Barry, from, and I have started a podcast entitled Film Exploder. It’s available anywhere you listen to podcasts from. Don’t believe me? I dare you to search for it (and to follow! hahah.) You’ll see.

Well, this morning, Barry and I recorded a fantastic episode together (not because we are fantastic… though we are) covering Denis Villeneuve’s mind-blowing movie, Enemy. We talk through that complex narrative timeline, the mindjob characters, and even discuss those spiders. It’s definitely one of my favorite episodes we’ve done together so far… (and I think we have 17 in the can now? Something like that? I’ve lost track.)

Denis Villeneuve Enemy Podcast Deep Dive Video

And for my Patreon members, you can actually watch the behind the scenes – read, pre-edited videos of our recording sessions. If you are interested, you can find those video recordings right here. And all you have to do is be a Patreon member for like, $3 a month to get early access. Nothing. So support THiNC. and Film Exploder. Support independent thinking in the face of all manner of hopeless onslaughts (cough AI cough) and put a smile on another human beings’ face. Heck, want a free option? Just head out and subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcast place. That’ll work just as well!

