2023 Japanese Movie River is a Must Watch Time Loop

Let me just start by saying, if you love movies that mess with your head, you’re in for a treat with River (2023). Director Junta Yamaguchi has followed up on his delightful Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes with another time-loop film that’s just as charming, but somehow manages to go bigger and deeper. Don’t be fooled by the seemingly simple premise—this film is packed with clever twists, brilliant technical feats, and a surprising amount of heart.

Spoiler Alert! If you haven’t seen the movie yet, you might want to pause here and go experience it first. It’s definitely worth going into it with as little information as possible. But if you’re ready to dive in, let’s talk about why River is such a mind-bending joyride.

2023 Japanese Movie River is a Must Watch Time Loop

At first glance, River sounds like a small movie. It’s set in the quaint resort town of Kibune, Kyoto, and centers around the Fujiya inn, where the lead character Mikoto (played by Riko Fujitani) works as a waitress. But then the loop begins—a two-minute slice of time that keeps repeating over and over again, with all the characters retaining their memories from previous loops.

Two minutes might not sound like much, but Yamaguchi and his team do something magical with that short span of time. Rather than staying confined to one spot or one perspective, the movie’s narrative jumps from character to character, situation to situation, gradually revealing more layers of the story with each loop.

It’s fascinating to watch as the film’s focus shifts around the inn and the town, unveiling different mini-narratives as the loops continue. A writer struggles with having his work constantly erased, a man finds himself endlessly stuck in a shower, and even the smallest tasks—like trying to heat a bottle of sake—become Herculean challenges in a world where time resets every two minutes.

What’s brilliant about this approach is that it never feels repetitive. Each loop builds on the last, adding more context, more depth, and more hilarity. The movie plays with your expectations, leading you down paths that suddenly twist in unexpected directions. Just when you think you’ve figured it all out, a new piece of the puzzle falls into place, changing the entire picture.

2023 Japanese Movie River is a Must Watch Time Loop - a fun time loop movie spiral that discusses the idea of desire and longing.

Cinematic Magic

One of the most impressive aspects of River is the sheer technical prowess on display. The film uses long takes to navigate through the loops, with the camera smoothly weaving through the inn and its surroundings, capturing snippets of conversation and action. The choreography involved in this is mind-boggling—characters pop up at just the right moments, perfectly timed to the ongoing action and dialogue.

This kind of meticulous blocking and editing could easily come across as showy, but in River, it feels natural and effortless. You get so caught up in the flow of the story that you almost forget to marvel at the technical feats being pulled off in front of your eyes. And yet, when you do stop to think about it, it’s clear that the movie is a masterclass in how to use the camera to enhance the narrative.

More Than Just a Gimmick

Time-loop stories have become increasingly popular in recent years, but what sets River apart is how it uses its central concept as more than just a gimmick. Sure, the loops provide plenty of opportunities for humor and clever plot twists, but they also serve a deeper purpose.

As the loops progress, the characters start to use their repeated time to examine their lives and relationships. Some embrace the lack of consequences, indulging in behavior they’d normally shy away from. Others take the opportunity to refine themselves, striving to become better people in each loop. The film explores a wide range of human reactions to the situation, from joy to frustration to desperation.

At its core, River is a meditation on the nature of time and regret. The characters’ experiences in the loop force them to confront their pasts and their futures, to consider the choices they’ve made and the people they’ve become. The film doesn’t offer easy answers—there’s no magic solution that will fix everything—but it does suggest that growth and change are possible, even within the confines of a two-minute loop.

2023 Japanese Movie River is a Must Watch Time Loop - a fun time loop movie spiral that discusses the idea of desire and longing.

A Cast of Characters You’ll Love

A movie like River wouldn’t work without a strong ensemble cast, and thankfully, the actors here deliver in spades. Riko Fujitani anchors the film as Mikoto, the hardworking waitress who becomes the audience’s entry point into the loop. Her performance is subtle but effective, capturing both the confusion and determination of someone caught in a surreal situation.

But this isn’t just Mikoto’s story—River is very much an ensemble piece, and every character gets their moment to shine. Whether it’s the writer whose work keeps getting erased, the chef who can’t seem to heat his sake, or the guests who keep finding themselves in the same conversations, each character adds something unique to the mix.

What’s more, the film takes the time to develop these characters beyond their initial quirks. As the loops continue, we learn more about their hopes, fears, and regrets. The interactions between the characters are what drive the story forward, and they’re often as touching as they are funny.

A Final Thought: Why River Stands Out

There’s a reason why River has been making waves at film festivals—it’s a movie that combines smart writing, sharp direction, and stellar performances into a package that’s as entertaining as it is thought-provoking. It’s a film that challenges you to think, to pay attention, and to engage with its characters and ideas. And it does all of this while keeping you thoroughly entertained from start to finish.

In a world where time-loop stories are becoming increasingly common, River stands out for its creativity, its heart, and its sheer craftsmanship. It’s a film that rewards repeat viewings (fitting, given its subject matter), and one that will stick with you long after the credits roll.

2023 Japanese Movie River is a Must Watch Time Loop. So, if you’re a fan of movies that make you think—movies that mess with your head in the best possible way—River should be at the top of your watchlist. It’s a cinematic experience you won’t soon forget, and one that proves that sometimes, the simplest ideas can lead to the most complex and rewarding journeys.