Upstream Color review – Shane Carruth. To begin my Upstream Color Review – I figured I would list out a...
This Infinite Jest Summary Guide is an explanation of DFW's Infinite Jest... which is doomed to fail before it begins, but I'd rather fail w/ DFW than succeed elsewhere.
Best Con Artist Movies of all time. Our list includes the greats like; The Sting, Ocean's Eleven, The Grifter, The Spanish Prisoner, Nine Queens, etc. Join in on the discussion of the absolute best Con Artist Movies of all time
Books We Love June 2013 include Hugh Howey, Benjamin Percy, Eli Brown, Leigh Bardugo, Joelle Charbonneau, Elliott Holt and more. Come share your favorites.
Google Easter Egg – Atari Breakout I will begin and end with “you are welcome.” You’ll see. So I just...
What is Water – David Foster Wallace Every now and again a speech hits a chord with society and it...
Books We Love May 2013 - Come learn what big new books have come out in May 2013 and what new books are coming.
2013 Pulitzer - Orphan Master's Son, we have a new Pulitzer Prize announcement! Congratz to Adam Johnson for his gutsy North Korea Novel.
Books We Love April 2013 - this month we read Ghostman, The Blue Book, Under the Skin and other great novels as well as investigate new books on the way.
This is my definitive must see documentary list. It contains all the "Must See" movies of the past 10 years. Definitely a worthwhile list to check out.
Taylor Holmes Moleskin Sketches and scribbles... an attempt at daily sitting down to draw and do sketches that I can post here.
Books We Love February 2013 has truly great books; Glitches by Taylor Holmes, Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Harbinger, The Silver Linings Playbook, etc.
Books We Love January 2013 So, I started this series in March. Sue me – I mean us. We definitely...
Books we Love - March 2013 - These are the books we have recently enjoyed, will be enjoying and will soon release. Come join us as we discuss books books!
Meet an amazing new artist - Jeremy Geddes who has a style all his own, and yet who pays homage to Van Gogh and the Old Dutch Masters.