Shane Carruth and the Wanting Mare - a film by Nicholas Ashe Bateman - premiering this weekend at the Chattanooga Film Festival online.
Baffling Movie The Incident Explained - because right now, I'd prefer it if you explained this thing to me, rather than the other way around.
The Warning Movie Deconstructed and Explained - because this Spanish mindjob is a fun little thriller that is worth unpacking and explaining.
Tales From The Loop is Your Next Quarantine Fix
Revolver Movie Deconstructed and Explained - because the thing that happens on the screen, yeah, that isn't what actually happens at all.
Vivarium is Saying Something Big But What? Because this movie is so good, and so strange, that we have to figure out what it is that it might just be saying.
Netflix Movie The Platform Dissected and Explained - one of the craziest, and insane movies of all time. And it really is possible to figure out.
WOAH! The Lighthouse? What the Heck?? Because we really need to slow down and figure this movie out. I absolutely need to know what happened!
Hulu's Miniseries Devs Episode by Episode Walkthrough - there is a lot going on in this heady thriller. Join us and discuss all the ins and outs...
The Authoritative 12 Monkeys Timeline Explanation - because while it might seem like you have 12 Monkeys figured out, you probably actually don't. I know I didn't.
Crazy LSD Infused Mindjob The Wave Explained - or, how any movie can get interesting if you add enough drugs and existential angst.
Explaining the Confusing Movie Artifact Lake - because unless someone comes along and explains that ending I'm going to stay confused.
Explaining Why Funny Games is Only Meta Hilarious - this movie is not what this movie seems to be about. There is a lot more going on here.
Explain Why the Movie Freaks is Freaking Awesome - the low budget, high concept film, attempts to handle super heroes in all the right ways. First by making us care.
An Interview with The Fare Film Screenwriter and Actress Brinna Kelley - wherein I jump into the deep end of more mythology and lore than I know what to do with.