Is Sanctuary Mindjob Closed Box Word Play Brilliance? A cat and mouse dialogue driven single set movie with an interesting premise.
Brightwood Movie Suggestion and Crazy Ending Explained - a movie so regressively brilliant it might just explain marriage, the universe, and everything.
Why No One Will Save You is Worth a Watch - an action movie so filled with questions you won't notice what is actually happening.
Two Pigeons A Tale of Revenge and Unwelcome House Guests. A fairly repulsively clever little independent idea of a film...
Several Theories to Explain the 2023 Film Inside - because this movie cannot be understood just on the face of it. There is more going on.
Unraveling the Mystery: A Complete Guide to M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin - a deep dive into the movie Knock at the Cabin.
The Ending of the Movie The Humans Explained - or how this really frightening movie is about monsters of a peculiar breed.
Bodies Bodies Bodies is a Modern Who Done It Take Down - not only that, but it's also a horror take down as well. Kudos all around!
The Ending of The Oak Room Unlocked - a closed box movie about wrong turns and the inevitability of evil along the path of life.
Why Spiderhead Was Way Better Than I Guessed - or why a half baked netflix film is worth its weight just by introducing us to Saunders.
Tape Movie Closed Box Recommendation Discussion. THiNC. Is all about movies that make you think. Movies that are clever, deeply...
The Outfit Movie - What The Heck Just Happened? Because it is a more complicated movie than you may realize going in.
Unreserved Windfall Movie Recommendation - a movie that discusses class strictures in brilliant and intriguing way.
Closed Box Movie Glasshouse is a Pandemic Mindjob - or how a movie about a memory pandemic could be more about morality than anything else.
Movie Long Lost Recommendation and Explanation - because apparently cash really is king and we allow it to be.