Netflix's All Quiet on the Western Front is a Must See - a movie that demands respect on all the greatest war movie of all time lists.
Definitive Resurrection Ending Explanation - a movie that works hard to give you what you need to know... and still keep you in the dark.
The Ending of the Movie Dual Unpacked and Explained - because I promise you that you didn't get the ending of this movie. Promise.
After Yang Deep Dive Explanation - a multifaceted, gorgeous deep dive on life, death, and the meaning therein. Let's figure this movie out.
The Batman Is The New King of the Hill - my walkthrough of The Batman and why it might be the best movie of the year.
Italian Studies Movie Isn't What You Think It's About - And we might even need to let Adam Leon know what it's actually about. Cough. heheh.
The Innocents Movie 2022 New King of the Hill. Happy New Year everyone. And with the new year, comes a new twist at THiNC. Today, we are introducing The King of the Hill. As we watch new movies we will...