Quick Plug To Promote Zombieland: Double Tap

The title is really all I wanted to say for this particular post. But seeing as though I am the wordiest blogger on the planet, I am not sure how to stop myself. Really, all I am wanting to do here is to get you to watch Zombieland: Double Tap. So yeah, this is just a Quick Plug To Promote Zombieland: Double Tap. Simple enough.

I’ve been involved in a GMN (Guy Movie Night) group for coming on 20 years now. And ten years ago, we categorically, and universally declared Zombieland 1 to be the single best GMN movie of all time. Which makes it fact. For the world. And so it goes without saying that last night, after finishing the movie, we would hold another vote, nominating, and then summarily passing, Zombieland: Double Tap as the new number one GMN movie of all time.

If you haven’t seen Zombieland – it is a hilariously violent, and gloriously bombastic cinema experience that actually brought a new and funny view of a fairly old and busted genre of cinema. The pairing of Eisenberg and Harrelson was a combo made in heaven. Stone and Breslin brought brilliant sarcasm and much needed comedic value to the duos main goal, which is survival. And the movie, while funny, was also violent and tense. It was pretty standard Zombie fare. Survive, and do whatever is necessary to keep from getting bitten.

Quick Plug To Promote Zombieland: Double Tap

Zombieland 2 – Double Tap – diverges somewhat from Zombieland 1 in one significant way. Over the past ten years, these characters have made zombie killing into an art. Which basically means the conflict available in this movie is at a near zero on the tension scale. There is nothing here to worry about. And even their introduction of various different types of zombies failed to bring any new tension. But that is perfectly fine! Why? Because we all know these characters are not going to die. So why even feint that direction? So instead, they take these gloriously developed characters and make a comedy out of the backstory and their stereotypical perspectives. This success is carried mainly in the capable hands of Rhett Reese (along with Paul Wernick, and Dave Callaham) who is the writer of the uproariously funny Deadpool.

So, yeah – not sure if you are a part of a GMN group (WMN?) – but if you are, take your buddies with you to see this movie. Post haste. Sure, it devolves into a 3 Amigos storyline. But who cares? If the movie is funny, and it includes fantastically choreographed dismemberment’s of zombies – you are set, right? And that it does my friend. That it does. Trust me on this one. Zombieland: Double Tap is 100% worth your time.

If you are coming to this page, assuming I would give you a real zombie movie to spend your time on, here, try a few of these: Pontypool, The Cured, The Girl With All the Gifts, It Comes at Night… which, is plenty for now. But, those aren’t this. This isn’t these…They are different. Trust me on this. Or that. Or whatever.

Edited by: CY

Quick Plug To Promote Zombieland: Double Tap - because this movie will go down in history as the funniest movie of the year. Heck, maybe the past ten years. See it.
Zombie Dismemberment