The Definitive Netflix Dark Season 3 Family Tree

The Definitive Netflix Dark Season 3 Family Tree. I have completely updated and cleaned up this family tree – I am also releasing it in HIGH RESOLUTION. I swear if I see this getting sold or remarketed my lawyers will eat you for lunch. That being said, this is the full enchilada. This Season 3 family tree, which will show you all THREE multi-verse realities (I mean, it goes without saying this image is chock full of spoilers) and should be studied in detail to understand the various details of the entirety of all three Dark seasons.

So, if you searched for Dark Season 3 Family Tree, you have found what you are looking for. Also, my Dark season 1 and season 2 family tree actually provide more details about each character than even this one does. (They show young, middle age, and older photos of each character, as well as bio descriptions that help clarify their goals and intentions.) Regardless, all the other Dark family trees out there don’t even try to understand the season 3 family tree of these characters. Why? Because you’d have to be ludicrous to even attempt it. Enter ludicrous.

I have been talking about Netflix’s amazing television show since it first come out. You can see some of the numerous posts I’ve made about this show here, here, and here. And although, I seriously considered posting this as a poster that you could buy, I got shot down by lawyers, and what nots. Why? Because it is worth $10 just from a peace of mind standpoint. But something about copyright. So, I’m not going to sell it to you. I’m giving it away. But if you could donate, it’d help me recoup the hours and hours and hours I’ve poured into my Dark Season 1-3 family trees. It’d be a huge help. And you’ll feel like a champ knowing you are supporting crazy people like myself building crazy things like this! hahah.

Donation Amount

Dark Family Tree Season 3 Explained

First and foremost, these maps will snap your head clean off if you haven’t watched this show from beginning to end. But! If you have only seen Season 1, you are welcome to check out my Season 1 Family Tree. If you’ve Season 2, then you are welcome to my Dark Season 2 family tree. You getting how this is working? Great. So, first, remember to donate, THEN, because some of you have a trouble with this, click the image below, in order to get to the BIG BIG version. The writing is super small, and you have to zoom in order to really see all that is going on.

Season 1 Family Tree

You have to click on it to in-biggify it. That is a pretty darn good start to a family tree nothing like the next two. But still a decent first go at it.

Season 2 Family Tree

Dark Family Tree Season 2 spoilers

You have to click it to in-biggify it. I swear, you guys are just decimitating my server monthly bandwidth allotment. (did i already ask? yes, please consider donating.)

Man, it took me so many hours to untangle the new messes that Season 2 brought to the family tree. So many headaches to keep track of. So many entanglements! Oh, but then Alt-Martha appeared at the end of Dark Season 2, and woah, did it destroy that family tree!!!

Season 3 Family Tree

Ok – Take a deep breath. We can do this together. Heck, breathe into a bag for a second if you need to. Personally have a straight oxygen facemask on right now…about to go straight up catatonic I’m that wigged out. Remember – DONATE – look at how massive this thing is!

This image is BIG. Like, 10 or 15 times bigger than your laptop screen. Literally, it’s too big to fit on the side of a building. Which means, you’ll need to zoom in to really read it, and understand the various links between families and worlds. So, I will give you the entire file here. Just click on the image, and let it load. (RIP my hosting bandwidth! Oh my gosh. My bill this month is going to be outrageous!! hahaha.)

You have to click it to in-biggify it…

Come on. That thing is goodness and light. But, you know what? I know it’s not perfect. And, if you see something that isn’t right, or that you’d like added, just mention it in the comments. I’ve been too close to it for too many hours straight. So all help will be greatly appreciated.

Alright! There you have it. What did you think of my Definitive Netflix Dark Season 3 Family Tree? My episode by episode break down will be coming out soon. But I needed to get the Dark Season 3 Family Tree off of my back first. PHEW. Alright, now I’m done with it. Glad that is over with. Love to hear your thoughts, and tweaks in the comments below. Thanks!

Edited by: CY