Hey there everyone, Patreon member Matt (shout out to all the Patreon members, you are all going into my will… and when I fall off the roof taking down my Christmas lights in January, you’ll all receive your fair share of dusty storm troopers, millennium falcons, snow speeders and the like.) has volunteered to pull together our next Patreon Movie Watching Experience. Now, before we get to the movie he selected, I have a fairly embarrassing bit of THiNC. confessional juice I need to spew. Uhm. The movie he picked to watch together with everyone is Taxi Driver. And why did he pick that particular film? Yeah, because I’ve never seen it. I know. I should have my movie fan membership card immediately taken away and shredded. It’s bad. I know.

So yeah, he figured we both should sit down and watch it seeing as though we’ve never seen it. And what better way to watch it then with other Patreon members? Now, what if you want to join in, but you aren’t a Patreon member? No worries, I’m glad to help with this particular “problem” out seeing as though it’s super simple to fix. First, head over to: and sign up. And I’ll reach out to you with the details of how to get on the discord chat server, get access to the Patreon posts, how to get your bespoke movie recommendation post, etc., etc. And then, plan on joining us for the watch party on 12/4 at 2:30 Mountain Standard Time. Signing up as a Patreon member will also get you access to our chat server, early reads on future posts, hidden explainers and exclusive posts just for you, and also all the custom movie recommendations you could possibly ever want.

Now, this watch party will be very different from the last one. With the last watch party, we watched a movie everyone had seen…His House, and we video chatted all over the top of the movie, and just had a gay old time. (Can I still use gay in that way? Is that a problem???) But this time, I’m going in blind to Taxi Driver, and I’ll be watching it closely. So I’ll send out a zoom link for all of us to jump on – and we can video chat, but if you get disruptive, I’m muting you! hahaha. 

Taxi Driver can be found on Netflix. So if you don’t have a Netflix subscription, you are sort of out of luck. Unless you own it or something, and then we’ll work to all queue to the same moment together and then start it. OK? Should be a lot of fun. Can’t wait to do another watch party together. The last one was a blast. Great. Can’t wait to get to know some of you better, and hopefully find some new movie-THiNC.-friends as well. Should be tons of fun.

Edited by: CY