General Warning Against Mafia Mamma… that’s it, that’s the post. Just don’t see the movie Mafia Mamma. Don’t rent it on Red Box, Sam I am, Sam I am, don’t watch it on Netflix. Sam I am don’t watch it for free with rabbit ears, don’t watch it through wiped tears. I just can’t say it enough Sam I am… watching it is TOUGH!
I know, I know, that was terrible. But holy cow, I have to stick this in your heads! It’s a Public Service Announcement that the National Communication Bureau of Investigators should be blasting it from the hilltops! Oh, MY, GOSH.
And, yes, my own judgement should be thoroughly suspect if I am telling you that I watched enough of it to be able to tell you to wave off! I mean, how did I, willingly, and of sound mind and body (ummm?) choose to pick this thing up and hit play? Well… that is really quite easy your Honor… two names. Toni Collette… and Monica Bellucci! I mean, COME ON! If I need to remind you, Toni Collette crushed it in Sixth Sense (admit it, you totally forgot she was the mother in that movie), Hereditary!!!!, I’m Thinking of Ending Things, Velvet Buzzsaw, etc., etc., etc. And Monica has done a number of great films, The Passion of the Christ, Matrix, Irreversible (and now Reversible… the forward version), etc., etc., etc.
So, yeah, I messed up. But WOW, did I mess up! I mean… it’s so horribly bad! Atrocious even. Just do me a favor, and skip it, please. Thanks.
If you are curious what we are watching this weekend – (besides Succession, of course, which I’m late to the game on) – it’s definitely Silo (based on the amazing book Wool.
Edited by: CY