THiNC. Movie Spotlight 162

THiNC. Movie Spotlight 162. Last week I brought you a pile of movies that turned out to be worth watching – Monkey Man and Ripley being the two I’ve enjoyed the most since last week.


Yeah. This is going to be one of my top five movies of the year. Can’t wait for this one. Been dying to see this since I first heard that Alex Garland was making a new film. (And probably his last as he keeps telling everyone he’s done after Civil War… which would be horrific in its proportions.) But yeah, even pulling together the guy movie night group for this one.


An old case is wrenched open when a reporter goes missing, leading his web-sleuth daughter to a small mountain town haunted by a sect, secrecy and death.

2024.04.11 FALLOUT – (PRIME)

I’m pretty outspoken in my disdain for video game film adaptations. It’s pretty rare for any of them to work. (The Last of Us being an enormous exception to the rule.) And so yeah, I’m really really unsure about this one. Like. A lot. Good game, probably a horrible film adaptation. But who knows.

2024.04.12 LAROY TEXAS – (THEATER)

This might be funny? I mean? Funny generally isn’t the direction I go here. But maybe worth a shot? The premise looks really decent. “Broke and depressed, Ray (John Magaro) is mistaken for a dangerous hitman and given an envelope of cash. Along with his P.I. friend Skip (Steve Zahn), he must escape the actual hitman to make it out of LaRoy alive.”

2024.03.31 STING – (THEATERS)

“Charlotte gets fascinated with a spider – Sting. Sting grows and, as it increases in size, the people of her apartment building realize that they are trapped. And it’s only Charlotte that has any sort of idea how to stop it.” Is this a horror movie or a Disney kid movie? I’m confused.

Previously on Spotlight Worth Watching Right Now:
20 DAYS IN MARIUPOL – Horrifying. A must-see documentary.
THE TRUTH VS. ALEX JONES – Horrifying. A must-see documentary.
THE SIGNAL – Which many are likening to Dark? Meh. But still fun.
MONOLITH – Fantastic Aussie single actor closed box movie. Really fun.
ZONE OF INTEREST – Single best World War II movie? I’m still reeling.

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Edited by: CY