Annabelle (Jess Radomska) chewing her grandfather in Screen Gems' PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Trailer Uberness

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Trailer Uberness

What’s really funny about this movie (and ostensibly, the book) is that those that will most appreciate it, are those that currently disdain this idea the most. Right? It is only those people who have read, and enjoyed Pride and Prejudice that will truly giggle out loud at the placement of this book in the middle of a war ravaged, zombie filled, apocalypse. I mean, don’t take it from me, take it from the author himself:

“You have this fiercely independent heroine, you have this dashing heroic gentleman, you have a militia camped out for seemingly no reason whatsoever nearby, and people are always walking here and there and taking carriage rides here and there . . . It was just ripe for gore and senseless violence. From my perspective anyway.”

Basically, the story of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies closely follows that of the plot of the original book… except that of the original regency era England narrative is placed, firmly ensconced, into that of a zombie over ridden chaos. Austen’s story is sometimes very subtly shifted by the events of the zombies, which makes the book all the more fascinating to watch unfold. Discussions come up about other’s abilities at zombie fightings, and the pros and cons of certain methods. One of my favorite conversations in the book was when a few of the women discuss their preference for carrying a musket as a zombie killing implement, but the hem and haw about how unladylike that musket can be. Hahaha.

The Bennet daughters spend their time in their countryside estate learning martial arts and weapons training, which in turn, transforms them into an awesome zombie fighting machine. But we still have all the same problems of the book, wherein their father deals with the troubles of marrying his girls off to wealthy suitors. Which just comes off as instantly hilarious in the light of their current predicament. Balls occur, zombie attacks occur, epic zombie defense battlements are established, the Bennet girls are promised in marriage… what could possibly go wrong here in this movie?

The film is due to be released in February 2016. And I guarantee you, it’ll be the first Guy Movie Night based on a Jane Austen book that will be occurring. But this movie looks awesome in every respect. Heck, maybe even my English Major Wife will go? hahaha.