About Taylor Holmes

About Taylor

Taylor Holmes

About Taylor Holmes

I love stuff.  I love information.  I love stuff about information.  And data.  I really love data.  And stuff about data.  In a word I am a geek’s geek. Graphs make me purr a bit.  I also love art. Design. Street art. Photoshop. So Infographics make me outright giggle. I guess I am a bit of a weird amalgam. I enjoy IT systems, servers and computers. I love literature and an amazingly well written novel. (Great Expectations is one of my favorite novels of all time, as an example.) I guess you could call me a bit of a modern renaissance man. Which today I think gets me called a metro-sexual… heheh. Oh well.

I run big big websites for a living and enjoy it.  For a while I ran most of Focus on the Family’s sites and kept them going.  And for over six years I have been running Compassion International’s websites.  I estimate that somewhere around a 150 million visitors have visited sites I’ve managed.  Or more.  Its a bit hard to count.  Right, so I like web stuff.

On the side I demolish, design and develop smaller sites for people that do good things.  (Churches, football camps, dentists, summer camps, billionaires, and even big sneaky sites I’m not allowed to tell you about.)  I love solving hard problems.  I love doing impossible things for people.  It puts a smile on my face.

I have two books in the works.  One is more imminent than the other.  I’ve blogged about it, so if you want to hear more about it you can read about it here.  I enjoy blogging here about crazy ideas and talking with the visitors who roll through.  Just my Memento Explanation blog alone gets something like a thousand readers a day.  (Which kind of baffles the mind.)  I mainly stay in the complicated movie space – but I enjoy any sort of complicated discussion.  Calvinism vs. Armenianism and the role of free will?  Higgs Boson anyone?  Buddhism and the role of the bodhisattva?  Nietzsche and his canon of work?  The eradication of extreme poverty.  And I can even discuss the key societal impacts and ramifications of Han Solo shooting first, or Greedo pulling the trigger first… see, I love discussing the deep things of life.

There was this one moment in my life, where I was standing on my roof… and with the tips of two fingers I was holding myself up from sliding down the roof while standing on the lightest dusting of snow you ever saw.  And while I stood there, with my fingertips going red from the blood disappearing and the oxygen saying goodbye, I knew that I was going to fall.  And when I let go my mind calculated my options.  There were millions of options.  I could try and jump across to the sunny non-snowy bit.  I could sit down and slide.  I could dive back for the miniscule handhold I had had.  I even thought of going for the gutter across the way.  And instead I reckoned that riding the snow as cleanly as I could and jumping on my own would be the best way to go.  And so I did.  An ambulance ride later, I found out I had snapped my ACL in my right knee, fractured my heel in a bunch of places, deeply bruised my leg bones in several places.  It was a good day.  It really was.  Read more here.

As a result some significant changes happened and even a tattoo occurred.  Which you can read about here.  And I also believe that the mysteries of the universe are knowable.  That they have been revealed.  Which I’ve written about extensively here.  I spend a lot of my life dedicated specifically to learning more about these mysteries of the universe.  Large swaths of my time are spent in this pursuit.  Saturday mornings at 5:00 am I get up for leadership meetings for Bible Study Fellowship.  If you don’t know anything about it give it a search.  Its super old school, but epic if you dig into it.  Sunday is church.  Monday night I lead a group for BSF.  Thursday mornings I run my own Bible study with my Guy Movie Night crew which you can read more about here. And I’ve spent extensive time researching random dumb stuff like, how many questions did Jesus answer?  Or even single time that Jesus speaks about His being God.  Or even every single Miracle documented.  Tons of stuff.  Remember the data kick?  Yeah, I love data about pretty much everything.

If you aren’t a agreeable to my own vantage point that is fine.  But the only thing I would ask would be, you only get one go at life.  And what are you doing with yours?  That leap off the roof caused me to stop and think.  And I realized that I was being a selfish bastage and that it needed to stop.  Not only that, but more than stopping I needed to turn it completely around.

So let me see if I can explain, no I think there is too much, I’ll sum up.  I love God.  I enjoy data.  Graphs are a good time too.  I also love complicated crap about stuff that people generally don’t care much about.  Which is fine by me.  And probably you have already come to the conclusion that I’m a geek.  And I’m ok with that.  Give a shout hello if you get a chance.  I love hellos just as much as I love complicated debates and arguments!