Let Me Explain Why Sorry To Bother You Will Wreck Your Brain - or why Sorry to Bother You should be the most disturbing movie you'll ever see.
A Deconstructive Explanation of the Movie You Were Never Really Here - or how I realized less is always way way more when it comes to movies.
Cult Classic Movie Kontroll Reviewed and Explained - an underground Indie film that isn't what it appears to be. Join us as we dive and and figure it out.
Some of the cheapest movies ever made have some of the best ideas and surprises out there. That's what we have here with the sleeper movie Pandorum that many of you have never heard of...
The 7 Moral Failings of the Movie Calibre Explained - or how today's Philosophy classes should study this movie instead of their liferaft silliness.
The Secrets to Why the Movie Us and Them is a Microcosm of Life - or how this crazy rat race of a movie can possibly change your life for the better.
The Reasons I Love and Hate the Movie Mary Magdalene - I think that this will cause all to wrangle with the great truths of the gospel and seek them out.
Bible Experiment Titus - In which I realize that understanding the Christian religion isn't a thing, but rather a relationship between you and God. Huh, who knew?
The Autopsy of Jane Doe is Crazy Scary Mindjobness - or how someone that likes to think when he watches movies ended up here with this scary thing!
The Truly Confounding Spinning Man Deconstructed and Explained - or how this confusing movie only gets more confusing the deeper you look at it.
Movie Post Mortem Closet Monster Movie Explained - or how a movie about a talking hamster might not actually be about that at all. But who knows?
Beatriz at Dinner A Complicated Movie on Selfishness Explained - or how I know for a fact you won't enjoy this movie, but it's important you watch anyway.
The Endless Movie Explained in Six Possible Theories - or how Resolution and The Endless will utterly blow your mind in two enjoyable sittings.
A Random Magical Moment In Bryant Park - wherein I meet Mary Poppins... of a sort and learn a little bit more about life, the universe, and everything.
Sicario Day of the Soldado Explained and Reviewed - I realized there were a ton of confusing details to understand before Day of the Soldado made sense