Me: “Hello. My name is Taylor… and I am a hardcore fidgeter.” Everyone: “Hello Taylor.” Me: “I’ve been sober for 12 seco… nope....
What is happening here in this perfume ad? I have no idea but I love it...
Detailed Morgan Movie Review and Explanation - or how I wish Morgan had 5 less minutes in it so that it wouldn't be so ham fisted about it all! But otherwise, what a great movie.
Bjork Sun in my Mouth -
or, how I lost that something that I actually...
had never really found.
The Great War Project Takes You Back To School In A Good Way - or, how I plan to make my blog even more unpopular than it already is in one easy history based posting...
The Lobster Movie Ending Explained - or how I managed to overcome my outright fear in order to bring this ghastly, terrifying movie primer to you.
Absolutely cannot get enough of this kid. Dang he is good. This time it’s his cover of Panic at the...
Let Me Explain Approaching The Unknown To You - because it didn't go down like the movie said it did. I promise you. There is absolutely no other way it could have gone down than this.
Exam Movie Review, Explanation and Interview with Stuart Hazeldine - or how I bothered yet another perfectly nice person into talking with me far longer than socially obliged to...
This is nothing just mindblowing ART is all - wherein Casey Baugh draws his heart out, and I am rendered speechless.
Bible Experiment Malachi - wherein we close out the Old Testament, and recap what we've learned over the last 39 books. Which, I manage to do in no less than 3 words. Yeah, you are welcome.
My Review and Explanation of the Movie Circle - wherein I exposit on the intricacies and delicacies of this delicious movie.
My Movie Arrival Rabbit Hole That Swallowed Me Whole - or how a simple trailer completely ruined my last week. 200 pages of reading later, and a lovely conversation with the writer of Arrival... who knew?
Split Grain Reclaimed Wood Illumination Solutions - or, just one more reason I am flipping broke. Thanks for that universe.
Kylo Ren Watching The Latest Rogue One Trailer is Magical