Argentinian Movie Rojo Explanation and Investigation - because the reality and the fiction are intricately intertwined.
Come True Mind Job Movie Recommendation and Walkthrough. Nancy! Thanks for bringing this one to our attention out on Discord....
Three Stunning International Political Movie Recommendations - or how I slave at the movie searching mill all day to find your new favorites.
The Block Island Sound Ending Explained - a fun little indie movie with enough thrills, jumps, and excitement to keep you guessing until the end.
I really love lots of foreign films these days. Love how out of the box they roll, and how they...
Interview with H0us3 Director Manolo. Of all the things I do here at THiNC., nothing gets me more excited than...
Hagazussa Recommendation for VVitch Fans - a dark, deeply unsettling movie, with way too many similarities between yesterday and today.
Recommendation H0us3 Movie Walkthrough - a movie about an app that can see into the future, and maybe even the end of the world.
Indie Movie Counter Clockwise Interview with Writer and Director George Moïse - because I had a lot of questions, and I thought I'd just ask!
Interview with Home With a View of a Monster, Todd Greenlee, and Jasper Hammer. The other day I did a...
Brilliant Movie Recommendation On Body and Soul - possibly the only perfect movie you will hate this particular year.
Home With A View of the Monster Explanation - because the ending of this movie is one of the tightest knots I've ever tried to untie.
Indie Movie Counter Clockwise Recommendation - or why you should check out this super-micro-small budget time travel movie...
Lapsis Movie Recommendation and Ending Explanation - because most people online have no idea what that ending could possibly mean.
I’ve always wanted to write a time travel novel, or a screenplay, showing the absurdity of the idea of time...