When I Consume You VOD Announcement Dates - basically, you have plans coming in August whether you know it or not.
The Girl in the Picture Movie Recommendation - a car crash that just keeps crashing, and crashing and crashing. A brilliantly horrible film.
What Happened at the End of the Movie Cordelia?? Because I've literally watched it twice and I'm still confused as to what happened.
Under the Hood of the Mindjob Movie that is Crimes of the Future - a movie so horrifying that it's hard to even think about it lucidly. But what is it saying?
Love Death & Robots Season 3 is Mental. I’m nigh on certain you don’t know this about me. But, during...
The Ending of the Movie Dual Unpacked and Explained - because I promise you that you didn't get the ending of this movie. Promise.
The Zohar Secret is Indie Indie Goodness - or how to out Indie the Independent movie subculture with one crazy movie
Everything Everywhere All at Once Movie Explained - definitely going to be difficult to be this movie as the best movie of the year.
Ultrasound 2022 Movie Recommendation and Explanation - A deep dive into the innerworkings of the chaos that is the 2022 movie Ultrasound.
Observance 2015 Movie Mindjob Recommendation - A crazy horror/thriller about a man, a woman, and maybe a necklace? I still don't know.
German Schlaf Movie Sleep Movie Investigated - a movie that is begging to be understood, explained, and grappled with.
The Inscrutable Movie Memoria Dissected and Meaning Guessed At - this was a tough one to dissect, dismantle, to learn from.
Italian Studies Movie Isn't What You Think It's About - And we might even need to let Adam Leon know what it's actually about. Cough. heheh.
Help Me Understand the Ending of Netflix's The Colony - because this movie is worth figuring out, trust me.
The Innocents Movie 2022 New King of the Hill. Happy New Year everyone. And with the new year, comes a...