The Girl in the Picture Netflix Movie Recommendation - Taylor Holmes inc.

The Girl in the Picture Netflix Movie Recommendation

The Girl in the Picture Netflix Movie Recommendation
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The Girl in the Picture Netflix Movie Recommendation. Welcome back! How was your trip?? Oh, that’s right, you were here – I was gone. Did you watch anything awesome in the last month or so? I’m looking for recommendations! I’ll be on the East Coast for work, and I always need my THiNC. worthy watches while I’m traveling. So hit me up and let me know about all the interesting things you’ve watched recently. And don’t bring me Gray Man, or I don’t know, Marvel Thor #58, or Terminal List… you get the idea. You know the kind of movies we love here. THOSE! hahaha.

Today, I’ve got a doozy for you. If you enjoy true crime or documentaries… this is cash money. The Girl in the Picture is like watching a rat run a maze for a hundred minutes. You have no idea what is going on or how this could possibly wrap up, or the dots get connected, until, suddenly, they are.

The Girl in the Picture Netflix Movie Recommendation

The Quick overview of the movie – I’d probably not read any of this if you are already decided you are going to check it out. Just don’t, go to Netflix, hit play… come back… comment. Okay? Great.

But the quick gist of the show is that in the early 90’s, some guys find a woman, seriously injured, lying by the side of a road, in Oklahoma City. Huh. Okay. In the next day or two, while in the hospital, she eventually succumbed to her brain injuries. Tonya Hughes was buried and her husband moved on. Tonya’s son, Michael, was sent to a foster home. It turns out… Nope. Not doing it.

Look – you just need to watch this one for yourself. The circuitous route that this movie takes from reveal, to reveal, to reveal, to reveal just gets worse, and worse, and worse, and worse. So much so that I sort of had to pause the movie occasionally and be like… wait, no, that didn’t happen, that couldn’t possibly have happened. There are four or five different details in this movie that could be a stand alone movie by itself. FOR EXAMPLE – one small side path? Tonya’s “husband” at one point, walks into a local elementary school, with a gun, and abducts a child out of the school and disappears. Like, poof, vanishes. Gone. The parents of the child at the time are grief stricken, totally at a loss as to what to do. But that? That is just a side story in this larger iceberg encounter.

So yeah, check out The Girl in the Picture over on Netflix and then let us know what you thought of it. Because, holy crap. This movie just kept crashing, and crashing, and crashing.

Edited by: CY