There are 7 Layers of Inception - promise. Are you confused about what is going on in Nolan's movie Inception? Join us as we dissect each one.
Pardon me while I turn this apocalyptic shoot'em up into one big theological aside - but I can't help myself. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a second out to talk with those of you that think similarly as Eli about the Bible. Whether you think of yourself as a Christian or not - if you think the Bible's one main overriding message is that we should "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" you've got it all wrong.
The Prestige is either well-crafted and intensely intelligent, or the worst movie of the third millennium. Either its terrible science fiction or absolutely brilliant drama set in a historical time and location. It is one or the other, it can't be both.