Build A Super Cheap 10 Dollar Hanging Ski Rack

Build A Super Cheap 10 Dollar Hanging Ski Rack

Hanging Ski Rack Plans and Instructions

Donation Amount

skirack1With that in mind please seriously consider donating a buck or two (or three?).

This is by far the most popular thing I’ve given out to the world. And since it’s been so widely heralded as awesome, far and wide, over 10,000 downloads later – I’m still considering selling these little plans they are so widely loved. But maybe you could just donate a couple of bucks? THANKS!


When you and your growing kids start skiing, and skis begin to propagate like freaking bunnies, you need a place to put them.  The problem we have is that we have to keep all our skis so that as our kids grow up they may grow into them… and thus, we have about a million skis lying around.  Where should we put them all?!? So when we bought our skis this season I decided I’d had enough.  Until now we have been just piling our skis in a corner of the garage.  Yeah, not great for the skis, and not great for the clutter quotient of the garage.  To solve this problem I began researching what it would cost to buy a rack to mount on the wall in the garage and I just didn’t want to pay over two hundred bucks or whatever to get all the racks I needed to handle all our skis.

And so I started researching the best ways to build a rack that efficiently handle our skis.  I considered closet setups, and bench configurations.  I looked into mounting them on the ceiling, but I didn’t want to have to get ladders out to get at them.  I considered a horizontal solution.  I thought about brackets for the bindings, and a leaning method for them all. And I even considered building a hover ski rack container for everything… but I didn’t want to win a Nobel in the process.  I just needed a place to dump my skis quickly.  And that was when I realized that there was a super simple solution staring me in the face.


My Hanging Ski Rack Plans and Instructions became super simplified when I realized that if I just used two dowels, I could hang the skis vertically and simply.  And blam, I had it all figured.  Except… that would be a lot of torque on the dowels… how in heavens name am I going to have enough strength in the construction to pull it off?!?

skirack4But then it came to me – the magic formula and ratio for the dowels and the spacing in order to support the weight.  If you’d like that magic ratio and installation instructions, consider donating now:

Donation Amount

The plans include a materials manifest. A detailed walk through of how to build the ski rack. I even have a 3D Google Sketch plan that I used to create detailed images of the process and the way the dowels will inset. And heck if you are into that sort of thing I might even be convinced to send you my sketch plan if you’d like. Way way more documentation than even really necessary! hahah.


Edited by, CY