Scouts Honor the Secret Files from Netflix is the Scariest Horror Movie Ever. Fact. Bring me another movie, Midsommar, this...
11 Minutes Ago Recommended and Explained. Sorry to say going into this movie recommendation, this movie is impossible to get...
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 132 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Movie Lola Got You Stumped? Let Us Explain the Time Travel for You!
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 131 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
The Gift Short Film Recommendation
Telemarketers Is Gritty Detective Brilliance - Watch Now - or else I will not like you any more.
The American Movie World is Collapsing
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 130 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 129 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Aporia Movie Recommendation and Detailed Ending Explanation - because it may be almost as good as Primer
Haunted Mansion Screenplay Filled with Haunts and Memories - an expansive world building movie that is so bad, and so good at the same time.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 128 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Unraveling the Haunting Mysteries of Talk to Me: A Thrilling Supernatural Journey - a movie that we could all do to learn a little from.
Netflix Movie Paradise Discussion - Is It Worth Watching? Well, yes, obviously it is, or I wouldn't be writing about it!