Modern Retelling of Classical Legend Short Film SmokĀ I think I’ve told you guys about my adoration of short films...
Oh yeah, this is the week of the latest Star Wars movie premiere. It just doesn't get any better than this week my friends. Fun meter baseline limits are set right here... and yes, this makes me a geek extraordinaire.
Containment is a low budget wonder. The answers to this movie's questions are held very tightly to the vest. And the conflict and chaos quickly ramp up on these poor locked up group. I definitely enjoyed the ride here. IMDB
No idea on this one - where in I wax eloquent about the human ability to learn, and to teach others... kind of a throw away post. On second thought, just don't read it. We'll both be better off.
Alphorns and Parking Garages Are Heavenly - I could listen to this guy go all day long. In fact. I'm hitting play again right now. You should too.
Thoughts on a Post Mortem Autonomous Command Center
A really insightful interview with the band Eagles of Death Metal - my heart goes out to these guys. They are obviously forever changed by the Paris attacks.
Sometimes we can be too happy. If today's that day for you - then I got just the thing to fix that...
Too many people are dying every single day because we are tripping and falling all over a country filled with guns. This has to stop - #SaneGunControl
UCSB Cylinders and Ancient Audio Fixations I love this post. (Not to pat myself on the back or anything…) I’ve...
Enjoy Pentatonix? What to be Pentatonix all by your lonesome? Buy this app right now.
After doing the 2015 gifts for geeks I had a pile of cool gifts for grammarians laying around that I thought we could all enjoy together...
For 2015, Illuminae is the one book to rule them all.
Activate the Three Artefacts and then Leave Review As far as games go – this really isn’t much of anything...
In order to be for something you need to know what to say no to - and the Duplass brothers have that in spades.