Antoine Terrieux and His Vortex of Hair Dryer Installations
I’m sorry – but humans really do some of the craziest stupid stuff ever. This is just redonkulous. Just watch...
Donna Stevens Scary Idiot Box Portraits Should Give Us Pause We’ve always known that the television makes us all just...
We’ve learned to try to not spoil an audience member’s personal interpretation of what’s happening. That said, there are two ways to watch the film. Two ways we intended, anyway.
Movie Coherence Explained and Interview With Director James Ward Byrkit. Coherence is up there with Primer as to of the...
Enter Rob Willins, who has created a super cut of the original Alien movie as well as Prometheus. They both run together, completely intertwined and overlapping as they unfurl uniformly and perfectly.
Watch All Six Star Wars Movies Simultaneously I think I’ve told this story before, but its never been more appropriate...
I literally cannot stop watching this over and over again. I bust out laughing every time as if it's the first time. This is fantastic.
Jurassic World Review and the Death Knell of Original Movies I really enjoyed Jurassic World. It was a mindless romp...
Where the game slips a bit is also its strength. If you come expecting to "play" just forget it. But if you want to get immersed in a story, this is your game. Sometimes, even for me though, I found the barrage of information (most of which was in Russian and available in translated versions) to be too much.
Just considering that man has a lander on a comet, that is venturing closer and closer to the sun is just incredibly awe inspiring. Somehow to me, this is much much bigger than landing on the moon.
The Ruins of the Constanta Casino on the Black Sea - a gorgeous castle of a place that is decaying along the edge of the Black Sea... definitely a gorgeous looking glass into the past.
But what about not only sketching an entire building, but also all the buildings you can see? That is just crazy. That's what insane people on the padded walls of their cell.
Can I just stop here and say from an objective perspective, there is no nation on the planet that has experienced this level of turmoil and still come out the other side in tact?
Yes, I did just have a solo show conclude and it was a big success. With the texting series (The American __tier), it allowed me to work at different scales which I love.