The Cultural Relevance of The Invisible Man - because, believe it or not, this movie is a perfect metaphor for what is happening to women daily in this society.
The Confusing Movie Long Day’s Journey Into Night Explained - which, could be one of the more complicated movies we've ever discussed here on THiNC.
Netflix's I Am Not Okay With This Recommendation - this is where I convince you, mainly, that this "show" is a movie. And also where I tell you how utterly great this movie is.
Norwegian Headhunters Movie Recommendation - like crazy twists turns and inside out headfakes? Then this Norwegian Headhunters movie might be the movie for you.
Amazon Show Hunters Recommendation - what would you do if you found a Nazi in your neighborhood? Would you be justified to murder them painfully?
The Authoritative 12 Monkeys Timeline Explanation - because while it might seem like you have 12 Monkeys figured out, you probably actually don't. I know I didn't.
Ethical Movie Review: 'Before the Devil Knows You're Dead' - or, how to quickly fail your philosophy of ethics 101 course
I'm Afflicted by the Movie Afflicted and that Ending - because this buddy, travelogue, vampire movie, is nothing if not exceptional low budget movie making. I applaud Derek and Clif for this film.
Explaining Come to Daddy and that Crazy Ending - because this movie is actually an Oedipal mythical car crash. It's brilliant.
Korean Movie Parasite is a Picture in Class Warfare - but who knows which class in particular this movie is eviscerating?
Hidden Movie's Twists and Turns Investigated - because if you dig closedbox films that sucker your sucker punch, then this is the film for you.
The Gentlemen Film Recommendation Explained - I know you probably won't see this in the theater, but you rae really going to miss out if you don't.
The Secret In Their Eyes Movie Recommendation - because Philosophy 101 is totally running out of crazy scenarios to think about on their own.
The Siren From Perry Blackshear Is a Quiet Screamer - a modern day fable that will rorschach its way into your heart. If only you'll let it.
Chico Rose - Sad (feat. Afrojack)(Extended Mix) - Musak - in this post is a HIDDEN bonus. Find it, and reap the rewards...