Can We Discuss Why Galveston Will Break Your Heart? Because Galveston really will.
2018 Christmas Gifts for Geeks and the Like - the only place to find gifts for the one you love. Literally. Promise.
Salt is a brilliant new micro short film that will hit you with a ton of bricks coming straight out of the shoot. More tension here than most 100 minute marvels. So good.
Thoughts on Homecoming television show from Amazon - a deep dive discussion about what exactly happened at the end of the film and why.
Let's Talk about the Movie The Guilty, because while only a micro budget film, it has big big ideas, and all of them are worth talking about.
Under Under the skin As We Try and Make Sense of it - and there are plenty of theories available to us in order to try and make sense of this mind job movie.
Netflix's Hold the Dark Is Inscrutableness Defined - a movie so dark and impenetrable as to laugh at our efforts to understand it. Let's dive in shall we?
The Movie Melancholia A Polemic on Depression - or how this movie isn't what it first appears to be.
The Haunting of Hill House Explored and Digested - or how horror movies can force us to grapple with sin, regret, and judgement... all while howling in fear!
Why the Australian Movie Rabbit is a Suprasubliminal Mindjob about the twins and their psychological and paranormal abilities across vast distances.
Four Theories to Explain the Movie The Jacket - because this isn't your average, run of the mill mindjob. There is a lot going on here in this movie. Let's dissect it and pull it apart.
Black farmers in the US’s South— faced with continued failure their efforts to run successful farms their launched a lawsuit claiming that...
A Guide To Understanding The Brutalist Movie Irréversible - or how I'm perfectly fine with you never, ever, reading this break down of this horrifying movie.
The Ending of Bad Times at the El Royale Explained - or how this crazy closed box movie might be the best purgatorial thriller you'll see this decade.
Ending explanation for the movie Take Shelter - because this movie's ending is definitely able to wreck your brain if you aren't careful.