BBC Channel 4 Show Utopia Wreckomendation - a TV series from BBC4 that might just set your cerebral cortex physically on fire. Or not.
Apples Movie Ending Explained and Deconstructed - a deceptively simple movie that is extraordinarily difficult to understand.
On How Collective a Romanian Investigation Explodes - or how even the horrors of other political realities can teach us about ourselves.
A24's Movie Lamb Explained and Investigated - because the movie lamb is so confusing it will take all of us to figure it out.
Koko-di Koko-da is available to watch on the following streaming service providers: Powered by JustWatch The Mindjob Koko-di Koko-da Explained....
Squid Game Recommendation and Ethics Walkthrough - a moral look at the Squid Game show in order to figure out what the show is all about.
Squid Game Recommendation and Ethics Walkthrough - a moral look at the Squid Game show in order to figure out what the show is all about.
New Order Nuevo Orden Movie Deconstruction - a better movie than Parasite?
How Can You Watch Vigil Outside of the UK? Easy, three easy steps you'll be watching... let's do it together!
How Can You Watch Face to Face Outside of Finland? Easy, three easy steps you'll be watching... let's do it together!
How Can You Watch Vigil Outside of the UK? Easy, three easy steps you'll be watching... let's do it together!
La Nuée The Swarm Netflix Recommendation Explained - a horrific body horror of a movie with a lot of really important things to say.
French Series Black Spot Recommendation - a dark, detective story, into the dark forces of the French forests and mountains. Great show!
Preparations To Be Together For An Unknown Period of Time Explanation - because the ending of this movie is truly inscrutable.
Incarnation is an Interesting Looping Puzzle - a puzzle of a film that is begging to be deciphered, unlocked, and understood.