How to Watch Skinamarink Correctly an Explanation - because a lot of people are walking into this movie completely blind, and incorrectly.
The Ending of the Movie The Humans Explained - or how this really frightening movie is about monsters of a peculiar breed.
Speak No Evil is a Moral Deconstruction of Social Obligation in the Extreme - the scariest of possible horror movies in that it could be real
Barbarian Walkthrough Explanation and Recommendation - a movie so hellbent on the natural repercussions of sin and chaos it eats itself!
When I Consume You VOD Announcement Dates - basically, you have plans coming in August whether you know it or not.
Is the Movie Men Unhinged or Perfectly Sane? Because there has to be a good explanation for what is going on in the movie Men from A24.
Why The Shining Girls is Your Next Watch - a show with such great twists, I can say nothing at all!
Observance 2015 Movie Mindjob Recommendation - A crazy horror/thriller about a man, a woman, and maybe a necklace? I still don't know.
German Schlaf Movie Sleep Movie Investigated - a movie that is begging to be understood, explained, and grappled with.
Koko-di Koko-da is available to watch on the following streaming service providers: Powered by JustWatch The Mindjob Koko-di Koko-da Explained....
2019 Best Halloween Movie Thrillers You Haven’t Heard Of - because we all need a season for being scared out of our minds.
Woah - My Heart Cant Beat Unless You Tell It To - because this is a hard movie to swallow, but totally worth it once it's figured out!
La Nuée The Swarm Netflix Recommendation Explained - a horrific body horror of a movie with a lot of really important things to say.
Interview with A Dark Song Creator Liam Gavin - an interview with Liam Gavin, talking about his hyperrealistic movie.
In the Earth is an Arboreal Apocalypse Now - it's all happy science, lovely hike through the woods... until it isn't. Then? Good luck.