A Controversial Filled Philosophical Exercise that is The Trouble With Being Born - because this movie is begging to be grappled with.
Boiling Point One Shot Movie Recommendation - a movie, shot in one take, that might be about a restaurateur... or maybe something else?
Nine Days Recommendation and Explanation - a movie about life, loss and meaning in a really complicated world that none of us will get right.
The Feast Movie Recommendation and Explanation because this movie defies simple minded explanations. But maybe we can figure it out together.
BBC Channel 4 Show Utopia Wreckomendation - a TV series from BBC4 that might just set your cerebral cortex physically on fire. Or not.
Movie Long Lost Recommendation and Explanation - because apparently cash really is king and we allow it to be.
Apples Movie Ending Explained and Deconstructed - a deceptively simple movie that is extraordinarily difficult to understand.
On How Collective a Romanian Investigation Explodes - or how even the horrors of other political realities can teach us about ourselves.
Elephant Song is the Talky Movie You Are Looking For - a deeply profound movie about grief, and the investigation into its deeper meaning.
James Byrkit Interview and Shatterbelt Discussion - because why aren't we helping him get Shatterbelt made I ask you? WHY? Exactly.
Language Lessons is The Magic I Am Here For - a fun little dialogue driven movie that is a lot more complicated than it seems.
A24's Movie Lamb Explained and Investigated - because the movie lamb is so confusing it will take all of us to figure it out.
Broadcast Signal Intrusion Ending Explained. Why did I just watch Broadcast Signal Intrusion? You too want to be tormented by...
Koko-di Koko-da is available to watch on the following streaming service providers: Powered by JustWatch The Mindjob Koko-di Koko-da Explained....
2019 Best Halloween Movie Thrillers You Haven’t Heard Of - because we all need a season for being scared out of our minds.