Explaining just how Fractured the Movie Fractured May Be - normally I have near infinite faith in Netflix and their Indie movies... but this one left us all a bit fractured.
The Art of Self Defense Deconstructed and Explained - or how this outside the box geek movie with Jessie Eisenberg will upend all your expectations.
Top 25 Movie Countdown - Elizabeth Harvest - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Shane Carruth's The Dead Center Explained because it might need some explaining. But more importantly it's a fun to get another movie with Shane Carruth at the helm.
They Remain is a Daunting Movie to Explain - it took me three tries to wrap my brain around this movie but it wasn't for a lack of trying.
Top 25 Movie Countdown - The Ghoul - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
The Sound of Silence Movie Recommendation - this movie also needs a pile of explaining in order to really grasp what is going on here.
Netflix's In the shadow of the Moon Recommendation - and its loopy madness might be the movie hit that you need right now.
The Movie Perfect is a Psychotrauma Waiting to Happen - or maybe it's just another retelling of the Tower of Babel?
Top 25 Movie Countdown - We've Forgotten More Than We Ever Knew - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Sound of My Voice - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Paradise Hills Movie is Worth Investigating - or how Milla is ALWAYS worth betting on.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Infinity Chamber - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Korean Movie Parasite is a Picture in Class Warfare - but who knows which class in particular this movie is eviscerating?
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Unsane - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.