THiNC. Movie Spotlight 113 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
I’ve been doing this THiNC. thing for going on 15 years I think. At first it was just a reaction...
The Bear on Hulu Deep Dive Walkthrough Explanation - a show so violently good as to rearrange your frontal lobe physically.
Top 100 Movies North by Northwest - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 112 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
A Dozen Movies Twist So Sudden You'll Need a Chiropractor - these movies will shock you with their hardcore surprises. I promise.
Linoleum Move Walkthrough and Explanation - a movie so confusing as to require a deep dive walk through in two different ways to understand it.
Top 100 Movies Groundhog Day - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Detailed Netflix Beef Walkthrough and Explanation. A show so brilliant as to possibly be the best series of the year.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 111 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Rabbit Hole is 24 on Steroids Recommendation - a show that ducks and weaves so much you might need a chiropractor when it's all done.
Top 100 Movies Disney's Mary Poppins - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Several Theories to Explain the 2023 Film Inside - because this movie cannot be understood just on the face of it. There is more going on.
Eleven Movies for an educational fix - because high schoolers can't start thinking that their era is the only era with issues and fantastic movies with educational themes.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 110 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.