Handmaid's Tale Episode 2 Explained in Detail or, let me show you what a real horror movie looks like
Handmaid's Tale Episode 1 Explained in Detail or, let me show you what a real horror movie looks like
Belko Experiment Discussed Explained and Argued
Logan is a massive departure from the standard Marvel Movie tripe. A movie experience that places characters over bombastic grandiloquency. But Logan eschews that normal tendency and gives us a very good character driven movie.
A Geek's Review of Ghost in the Shell - or how, one of the biggest Masamune Shirow fans ever responded to this latest incarnation of his graphic novel.
The Ending of Kristen Stewart's Personal Shopper Movie Explained. Personal Shopper is a moody paranormal thriller that has to be seen to be believed.
I Am Heath Ledger New Documentary Looks Fantastic - or wherein we get one last respectful rememberance of one our favorites, Heath Ledger
Phoenix Forgotten - Apparently Found Footage Is Still A Thing - who knew?
Land of Mine Is An Intense Must See Movie that tells an amazing story of such a well trod era of our history. It really is a must see movie by everyone.
Netflix Movie the Discovery Explained Debated and Discussed - or how there just aren't enough movies like this one from the creators of The One I Love
Explain To Me What Happened at the End of the Movie LIFE - because there was a space capsule and another one and some fishermen or something, what happened?
New IT Trailer Shows They Might Just Get IT right - or how we might just get ONE, maybe ONE good Stephen King Movie adaptation?
TRIANGLE Movie Explained and Reviewed - or how I was so annoyingly confused when I first finished this movie, but I think I've finally got it licked now.
Kong Skull Island Enjoyable Reboot or Stereotypical Bore? Or come watch as a I struggle with myself over which one this movie is.
Movie Get Out Discussed and Explained - or how this racially insightful movie went from interesting to full tilt run for your life in ninety to nothing.