Westworld Season 2 Episode 1 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how season 1 was a casual addiction and season 2 has got to get treated. This cannot continue without professional assistance.
Blade Runner 2049 Bloviated Discussed and Explained - or why Blade Runner 2049 is just an excuse to shove amazing philosophical into your reluctant head.
What happened to Monday movie explanation for those who watched the film and said, 'What the heck just happened?" because it can be a little hard to follow.
Let Me Explain the Movie Children of Men To You - or, how I had a near religious experience while watching this post apocalyptic dystopian film
The Movie Realive Discussed and Explained. Realive is a well thought out and fascinating movie. I really did find it fascinating. But caveat emptor.
Explain To Me What Happened at the End of the Movie LIFE - because there was a space capsule and another one and some fishermen or something, what happened?
Movie Arrival Explained and Interview with Eric Heisserer - or how Arrival is the one can't miss movie of the year so far. Or how I won't be your friend anymore if you don't watch and adore this movie. For reals.
Black Mirror Playtest Explanation and Walkthrough or how I ended up peeing myself, over and over and over again. Oh no, this is a good thing. A very very good thing.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 5 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how my obsession with Westworld has only intensified even more since episode number 1.
Black Mirror Nosedive Explanation and Walkthrough or how I watched the entirety of our online culture completely decay and die right before my eyes.
Let Me Explain Approaching The Unknown To You - because it didn't go down like the movie said it did. I promise you. There is absolutely no other way it could have gone down than this.
My Review and Explanation of the Movie Circle - wherein I exposit on the intricacies and delicacies of this delicious movie.
Movie Midnight Special Explained and Reviewed - wherein we discuss one of the best movie of the year and walk through a theory or two about what it's about.
Movie Frequencies Explanation and Interview With Owen Pugh - sometimes I find movies that I just KNOW you guys are going to enjoy. And this is one of them. My track record is good. Just watch it. Then read...
Synchronicity Time Travel Movie Reviewed and Explained - wherein we fall in love with another micro-budget movie that explores love and treachery in loop after loop of time.