Kristen Stewart's Spencer Movie Ending Explained - because a lot of movie goers are going to go into this movie and not get any of it.
On How Collective a Romanian Investigation Explodes - or how even the horrors of other political realities can teach us about ourselves.
Elephant Song is the Talky Movie You Are Looking For - a deeply profound movie about grief, and the investigation into its deeper meaning.
Top 100 Movies of All Time On the Waterfront - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #44 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
James Byrkit Interview and Shatterbelt Discussion - because why aren't we helping him get Shatterbelt made I ask you? WHY? Exactly.
Language Lessons is The Magic I Am Here For - a fun little dialogue driven movie that is a lot more complicated than it seems.
A24's Movie Lamb Explained and Investigated - because the movie lamb is so confusing it will take all of us to figure it out.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #42 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Denis Villeneuve's Dune Part 1 Explained for Dummies - this movie is hard to understand and we can learn from the book what is going on.
Top 100 Movies of All Time Return of the King - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #42 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Classic Western Old Henry Movie Recommendation - a standard Western with a really great surprise to it, and some great action.
2019 Best Halloween Movie Thrillers You Haven’t Heard Of - because we all need a season for being scared out of our minds.
The Night House Investigated and Explained. Halloween Season is here – and today we have a great movie for the...