The Last of Us Detailed Walkthrough and the Ethics of that Ending Discussed
Netflix Red Rose Is A Clever Cautionary Tale - a cautionary tale about technology and the potential abuses possible.
Sharper is the Movie You Are Looking For Right Now. Just finished it and man. What adjectives, verbs and nouns...
Why Nr.10 Just Broke Your Brain and What It's All About - a movie so crazy that I'm still spinning at the end of it.
Unraveling the Mystery: A Complete Guide to M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin - a deep dive into the movie Knock at the Cabin.
Infinity Pool Mindjob Explained and Dissected - definitely going to be heralded as the best mindjob movie of the year.
Netflix's Kaleidoscope Order Recommendation - Netflix sends Kaleidoscope's episodes out randomly. But there might be a perfect order to watch!
Recommended Something in the Dirt Movie Explained - an explanation of how to understand this movie in relation to The Endless and Resolution.
A List of 20 "Wild" Films To Blow Your Mind - a primer on the word wild - and a list of movies to match said definition.
See How They Run Movie Recommendation - a whodunnit movie that lampoons the whole idea of the entire genre with a good sense of humor.
When I Consume You Detailed Movie Walkthrough - because this movie has so much pathos behind it, and yet its so hard to understand!
What Happened at the End of the Movie Cordelia?? Because I've literally watched it twice and I'm still confused as to what happened.
Love Death & Robots Season 3 is Mental. I’m nigh on certain you don’t know this about me. But, during...
The Ending of the Movie Dual Unpacked and Explained - because I promise you that you didn't get the ending of this movie. Promise.
Why The Shining Girls is Your Next Watch - a show with such great twists, I can say nothing at all!