Indie Movie Counter Clockwise Interview with Writer and Director George Moïse - because I had a lot of questions, and I thought I'd just ask!
Home With A View of the Monster Explanation - because the ending of this movie is one of the tightest knots I've ever tried to untie.
Indie Movie Counter Clockwise Recommendation - or why you should check out this super-micro-small budget time travel movie...
Lapsis Movie Recommendation and Ending Explanation - because most people online have no idea what that ending could possibly mean.
Look. I consider you guys family. Well, all of you but you, Jake. You, sir, are just annoying. But the...
The Little Things Movie Discussed and Explained - a movie that flips the scipt on the cop/serial killer hunt genre entirely. Oh, and that end?
The Machinist: Plot Analysis And Ending Explained - or how excited I am to have Barry from ThisisBarry bring this one to you guys!
I just Won By Recommending Netflix's The Call - because it's one crazy premise, with one crazy ending, including an even crazier ending in the credits.
What the hell was that Black Bear Ending - because woah. That is some kind of wonderful right there. But what does it mean??
It’s so rare to find a good mindjob movie that zigs, zags, and inside-outs itself, on its way towards the...
Is There a Reasonable Big Bad Wolves Explanation?? There might be - but it might be a tricky one.
The Definitive Tenet Timeline Infographic - the one definitive TENET infographic timeline map on the interwebs. Check this one first.
Possessor Mindjob Movie Unpacked and Discussed because this movie is begging for an explanation that makes sense.
Another Earth Movie Explanation and Discussion. Another movie by Brit Marling. Who might even be better than Shane Carruth. Check it out.
Austrian Movie Goodnight Mommy Recommendation - a crazy dark movie about what happens when society begins to eat its own.