The Movie Melancholia A Polemic on Depression - or how this movie isn't what it first appears to be.
Why the Australian Movie Rabbit is a Suprasubliminal Mindjob about the twins and their psychological and paranormal abilities across vast distances.
Four Theories to Explain the Movie The Jacket - because this isn't your average, run of the mill mindjob. There is a lot going on here in this movie. Let's dissect it and pull it apart.
Ending explanation for the movie Take Shelter - because this movie's ending is definitely able to wreck your brain if you aren't careful.
You can watch The Kindergarten Teacher at these online streaming locations: Powered by JustWatch Sometimes you are handed a movie…...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Walkthrough and Explanation - a moment by moment walkthrough of one of the greatest movies of all time.
Halloween Movie Recommendation The Wailing Ending Unpacked - or how even the most horrific movies can have some of the most interesting things to talk about.
Netflix Maniac Series Complete Walkthrough - or how mindjobs are best when entirely played out in the mind.
Watch The Spring online at one of these movie streaming confectionaries: Powered by JustWatch This movie post goes out to...
No Country For Old Men Explainer and Deep Dive - or is this movie even remotely understandable? First, we need some Yeats.
Brick Movie Deconstruction - Brick is a complicated film noir movie with gumshoe roots that is incredibly difficult to unpack on your own.
The Movie Searching is Found Footage Done Right - or how the medium of the movie matters way less than the actual story!
Mindjob Movie Thelma Explained and Unpacked - or how you may not realize that Thelma might just be the scariest thing ever.
Why the Movie The East Is Worth A Watch - an anarchist group and its infiltration...
Two Theories to Explain The Sound of My Voice - or three, or four, or N. There are a million ways we could view this movie, but basically there are two.