Many companies today dive into web2.0 (blogging, twitter, viral media campaigns, social networking) experiments because others are. Not for any underlying reason. It is important to be intentional about our efforts within this arena. Go where your customers are going. Start the conversation where they want to have it... not because your nearest competitor may beat you to it.
Heck, they are so outside the box they occassionally redesign "the box" as exemplified by the above milk box experiment. Just love the solid coloring and evocative white on the face. The type is a beauty to behold and the splash at the front bottom just adds that extra something. Very nicely done.
37 Signals Has it Right - a truly phenomenal business perspective and model.
So I had a thought. What if the Christian Technical community came together and donated time towards a money making - for profit company whose sole purpose was to give money away? Hrmm.
Popcap Games recently released a version of their viral favorite Bejeweled to Facebook. This time the company took a new...
Malcom Gladwell's new book Outliers is a must read - because it turns the American Dream on its head... inside out and upside down. Good stuff Malcom. Keep it up.