Rabbit Hole is 24 on Steroids Recommendation - a show that ducks and weaves so much you might need a chiropractor when it's all done.
Top 100 Movies Disney's Mary Poppins - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Several Theories to Explain the 2023 Film Inside - because this movie cannot be understood just on the face of it. There is more going on.
Eleven Movies for an educational fix - because high schoolers can't start thinking that their era is the only era with issues and fantastic movies with educational themes.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 110 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Theories to Explain Decision to Leave Movie From Oldboy Director
Apple Tetris Movie is 80's Retro Fun
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 109 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Sometimes a killer legal flick is the sort of movie you need to take the edge off. If you are...
The Last of Us Detailed Walkthrough and the Ethics of that Ending Discussed
The Historical Inaccuracies of Hulu's Boston Strangler - is the movie even close to the larger truth of the Boston Strangler story?
THiNC. Movie Spotlight 108 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Top 100 Movies A Conversation on Lessons Learned - aka, how I distilled my 100 movie studies into valuable lessons personally.
Fast Talking Brit Double Crossy Movie Recommendations??!?
Operation Fortune Ruse De Guerre Recommendation Walkthrough - a light hearted, comedy that is fast on action and dialog.