How to Solve Will Smith's Gemini Man Problem - because this movie needs a serious rewrite and a serious overhaul to make it even halfway watchable.
Luce Movie Controversy Unpacked and Explained - because there are so many murky layers to Luce as to make it nearly incomprehensible.
Mandalorian Review From a Star Trek Hating Star Wars Fan Boy
Explaining Why A Day is Movie Mindjob Madness - because this movie definitely needs to be unpacked, dissected, and explained. I am not 100% sure I still understand this one.
Can We Talk About that Fleabag Season 1 Ending?* Because that ending desperately needs to be talked about. Or maybe I just need to talk about it. Regardless... we are talking about it.
The King is the perfect movie for the Shakespearian History Buffs
Blade Runner and the Future of November 2019 - because today is the future that was Blade Runner. Wake Up! It's time to die!
Australian Nightingale is a Historical Revenge Flick You Can't Miss - basically because it's horrifyingly real and overwhelming in its scope.
Top 25 Movie Countdown - Starfish - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
I Just Finished Netflix's Eli and What Did I Just Watch? Because I think the final zig might have snapped the screenwriters' collective necks.
Quick Plug To Promote Zombieland: Double Tap - because this movie will go down in history as the funniest movie of the year. Heck, maybe the past ten years. See it.
Looking for alternate reality television shows that explore important issues? Well - The World of HBO's Watchmen Recommendation should blow your mind then.
Top 25 Movie Countdown - Remainder - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
2019 Best Halloween Movie Thrillers You Haven’t Heard Of - because we all need a season for being scared out of our minds.
Explaining just how Fractured the Movie Fractured May Be - normally I have near infinite faith in Netflix and their Indie movies... but this one left us all a bit fractured.