Fast Talking Brit Double Crossy Movie Recommendations??!?
Operation Fortune Ruse De Guerre Recommendation Walkthrough - a light hearted, comedy that is fast on action and dialog.
Netflix Red Rose Is A Clever Cautionary Tale - a cautionary tale about technology and the potential abuses possible.
Why Nr.10 Just Broke Your Brain and What It's All About - a movie so crazy that I'm still spinning at the end of it.
Fire of Love Documentary Recommendation. Four or five THiNC. Spotlights ago I highlighted this movie, Fire of Love, but then...
Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths Discussed - a complicated movie that discusses survivor's guilt - i think. But the ending??
Explaining Why The Banshees of Inisherin is the Movie of the Year. Because, sad as it might seem, it won't be obvious to everyone.
The Devil's Hour Show Ending Explained - possibly a time traveling reality shifting mind job of a show.
The Wonder Movie Unpacked and Discussed - what does the movie mean, and why is it so vague on its intentions? Let's figure it out together.
The Devil's Backbone Recommended and Explained - a movie with such deep spiritual roots it will take a lot to discern its meaning.
Netflix's All Quiet on the Western Front is a Must See - a movie that demands respect on all the greatest war movie of all time lists.
Must See Movie Recommendation Vesper Explained... because this is my new favorite movie of the year. Watch it today!
Maria Full of Grace Discussion and Movie Recommendation - a movie so raw, and real, that it is heartbreaking to know that people suffer this.
Speak No Evil is a Moral Deconstruction of Social Obligation in the Extreme - the scariest of possible horror movies in that it could be real
Current BBC iPlayer Shows Exclusive Recommendations - because the United States doesn't have a monopoly on good TV shows.