Halloween Movie Recommendation The Wailing Ending Unpacked - or how even the most horrific movies can have some of the most interesting things to talk about.
The Reasons I Love and Hate the Movie Mary Magdalene - I think that this will cause all to wrangle with the great truths of the gospel and seek them out.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 1 Walkthrough and Explanation - wherein I completely go overboard thinking, talking, and pontificating about a single episode of Television. Intervention anyone?
The Revenant is the best film of 2015. Nothing comes close to the physical brilliance and mastery of Iñárritu. Nothing. It is an amazing film. Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of this masterful film.
Oh yeah, this is the week of the latest Star Wars movie premiere. It just doesn't get any better than this week my friends. Fun meter baseline limits are set right here... and yes, this makes me a geek extraordinaire.
This is speaking generally. From my perspective on my work specifically, I think the public *should* know what scientists are working on behind closed doors (phenotyping) and I think we all need to know if DNA is not the gold standard we trust it to be. So yeah, knowledge over fear.
There's something about the grand open vistas of an apocalypse. What an opening line. Reminds me of, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." But what is it about the crazy open worlds of a post apocalypse, or a dystopian world that are so very enticing?