Lets search for Hundreds of Amazing iPad Children's Books. What's more fun than hours together with your kids reading amazing children's books?
I've been saying for years, and years, that the scariest, and one of the best books of all time is definitely The Shining. And the movie, with Jack Nicholson is a serious cult classic. Just a phenomenal movie. Definitely two amazing heavyweights in the world of books and movies. Redrum, Redrum.
Endgame: The Calling - Three Million in Gold - I have already begun searching for some of the 75 already created websites and social media profiles that have been created for the book, the puzzles and the game. I've discovered a couple. But I'm a little confused by a lack of sharing going on on the web already. Maybe I should keep them to myself?!? hahah. I mean, we are talking about 187 pounds of gold after all. Yeah. I think I'll keep them to myself. See you in the game.
Random Thoughts On the Gone Girl Movie - Random Thoughts On the Gone Girl Movie - The latest Gone Girl trailer and the resultant churn around it has been really fascinating to me. "OH MY GOSH - Did Ben Affleck's new role kill his wife?!", "He's being investigated for murder?!", "Why'd he take this role?", "Should I read the book and ruin the movie?", "I can't wait!". Etc, etc. Really makes me chuckle. What they don't realize is that Gillian Flynn re-wrote a different ending from the book for the screenplay. Did you catch that? The movie ends differently than the book. Hard stop. For those of you who haven't read the book... that is the end of this blog post for you. Thanks for swinging by. I'm diving into spoilers for you - ie, I'm going down a layer. Go away already.
You Shall Know Our Velocity Eggers and Radcliffe -
Now the bigger question is, will Radcliffe pull this thing off, or will he wash out? But lately Radcliffe has taken it upon himself to become the literary go to within Hollywood. Obviously Radcliffe played the Mr. Potter in one of the biggest selling book movie productions of all time. What you may not know is that he also played starring roles in the 2007 "December Boys," based on an Australian book, a 2012 British horror movie based on the novel "The Woman in Black," and last year's "Kill Your Darlings," in which he starred as poet Allen Ginsberg. Next year, Radcliffe will play Igor in a new version of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." So hopefully he has learned enough to carry this movie.
Human Book Recommendation So Not 1984 - So I recently stumbled across a Tumblr that I just had to share with you all. The Tumblr is called Go Book Yourself. Created by Anna James, Daniel Dalton, and Rob Goodswen, the Tumblr gives recommendations based on books you already love from a variety of genres. The concept is so retro that its fashion forward. Basically its a human recommending books. Woah. But just to give this simple concept context let's take a peek at some of the algorithm driven recommendations out there that I have done more than my fair share of playing.
10 Amazing Podcasts To InBetter Your Life - My love for podcasts is so deeply engrained that when we move houses this summer I will go from a 15 minute commute to a 3 minute commute. And I have literal angst about when and where I will come up with the time to listen to my bevy of podcasts that stack up as it is. Podcasts have to be savored and enjoyed. I can't work and listen to podcasts. That just doesn't work - I know because I've tried. And it seems weird to sit in one's house and just listen to a podcast like its 1952 and you are sitting around the AM radio and sipping one's coffee. But maybe that's the solution. BAH!
Lauren Beukes Broken Monsters - Lauren Beukes is the amazing author who wrote The Shining Girls. If you haven't read The Shining Girls it was a time traveling, serial killer, paranormal hybrid of a novel.
Dave Eggers Short Francis
iPhone Game Revival - Best 2014 - alternative games paving the way for a revival in the iPhone Game arena. Duet, Device6, Blek, Rymdkapsel, Impossible Road
The Best Modern Melancholy Mood Movies list. From Her, to Silver Linings Playbook, to Juno, to The Chocolate War... we've listed our favorite movies in this space.
The Bible Experiment Genesis is a 66 post review of the Bible from an end to end standpoint. My goal is to review each chapter of the Bible objectively and examine the point of that book in the overall scheme of the Bible.
2013 Pulitzer - Orphan Master's Son, we have a new Pulitzer Prize announcement! Congratz to Adam Johnson for his gutsy North Korea Novel.
History is More Relevant than Ever in Netflix's Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial - a show that is filled with key learnings and warnings.